
Oh my god sonic adventure 2
Oh my god sonic adventure 2

oh my god sonic adventure 2

Did he have a mustache on his face or was that just me?” - Liam “ I thought you were gonna say, 'Do you know how casinos work?' and I was gonna say 'yeah, tons of ladies standing around you until you lose all the money'.” - Matt “ Wow Woolie, you're super good at stealing music.” - Liam “ "Theme of Sweaty Animal Sex".” - Matt “ Not "Theme of Love".” - Woolie “ Sonic, I just wanna gargle your poop and rub it on my chest.” - Liam as Amy “ So we're just gonna have a highways inside of a building 'cause fuck you.” - Matt “ Which two sides? What war is waging in the background?” - Liam “ Chaos and order? Hotaru and Havik?” - Matt “ Rhinox knew the deal and when the others started going crazy, he could guide them with their animal spirit.” - Woolie “ That show sucks.” - Liam “ When they were bl. Quotes “ A lot of people have been asking us, 'Why don't you do a full LP of Sonic 2006?' and we were all like, 'That's no good.'.” - Matt “ Does every girl just come with a bunch of Archie comics in real life?” - Liam “ I think you just described every 3D Sonic game ever by saying, 'This game has really weird blank.'.” - Matt “ Why is that child directing you to a casino?” - Woolie “ I don’t know.

oh my god sonic adventure 2

See the individual episode descriptions at the Sonic Adventure Descriptions page.

Oh my god sonic adventure 2